
Transnational Project Meeting in Canterbury

Transnational Project Meeting in Canterbury

On the 24th and 25th March 2022, Canterbury welcomed visitors from our partner countries: Hungary, Poland, and Spain.

Unfortunately, our other partners from Greece and Spain were unable to make it here, so they joined us online.

Day 1

The meeting was held on Warnborough College’s premises, with everyone else joining on Zoom. The meeting in the morning covered Output 1, which is about the desk research and the video interviews with relevant stakeholders. It was led by Innosouth. Various deadlines were set in order to achieve the deliverables that would feed into Output 2 (discussed the next day).

After a short coffee break, the group was back in the room discussing the Quality Assurance of the project. WSEI, in charge of the project, would be providing information about this soon.

The University of Patras then present a document template it had created for people on the project to make presentations with. As of now, they had not done much social media and marketing, but this will change.

After the lunch break, the team moved to discuss Multiplier Events in terms of dates, expectations, numbers, and other matters. The day ended earlier than expected.

A walking tour of the historic city was arranged, and the participants enjoyed many of the sites and stories behind them before enjoying dinner at a nice Thai restaurant (at the behest of our Polish colleague).

Day 2

For Day 2, the venue was moved to the Canterbury Cathedral Lodge within the famous Cathedral’s precincts. The hosts wanted to provide the guests with a unique experience to remember the meeting (and the city).

To begin, Gustavo from Global Contents gave a colourful presentation of BIM Technology and frameworks in simpler language to engage all project members. A discussion ensued about how to create a framework that could be used by academics to create and design courses in non-threatening humanistic way.

After a short tea break, the session resumed with a discussion on Output 3 (BIM courses) and the simplest way this can be achieved. Again, a lot of stimulating discussion was had, and the Hungarian partner even drew out the ideas as a Greek temple.

This was followed by a hot buffet lunch with a lemon tart dessert.

To burn off the calories of this delicious meal, we decamped outside to the beautiful precinct gardens and cloisters, and then went inside the Cathedral to marvel at 1000-year old architecture and the history it represented.

All in all, the two days were short but very productive in terms of what we wanted to achieve. Warnborough College hopes that all visiting partners had a whale of a time with lots of happy memories.

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