A Multiplier Event was held in Hungary on 10th January 2023 BSZC Vasarhelyi Pal Vocational School, Bekescsaba.
The event was hosted by EK Association and BSZC Vasarhelyi Pal Vocational School. It took place from 9:45 til 11:15. The main lecturer of the event was Gabor Palotas (EK Association). Participants of the event were technician students of architecture (EQF5) who learn BIM technologies, namely ARCHICAD during their studies.

Gabor Palotas introduced EK Association and gave a general summary of the Transversal BIM project. The BIM Concept was partly introduced through a former project of EK Association, titled ARCHIDICT which is an online architectural dictionary created with BIM software. The dimensions and possibilities of the transversal feature of BIM were explained with the help of the project results of Transversal BIM: O1 and O2.
Discussions were initiated about these possibilities and the exploitable benefits of these areas to which the participants actively involved themselves.